How Do Termites Respond to the Summer?

People and animals react to the seasons in different ways. For example, some species eat from spring through fall so that they can sleep all winter. Others manage to eke out survival by working during the warm weather to hide food for the cold weather. …

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Where Do Termites Like to Live and Hide?

Do you play Hide and Seek with your children or grandchildren? They run into another room and hide while you count and then try to find them. It’s a fun game for humans. There is nothing fun about the game when the one’s hiding are …

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How Do Termites Respond to the Spring?

Termites cause damage to homes all year long. If they infest your house, they will continue to eat 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet, they also have slightly different habits depending on the season. Spring seems to be the most active time …

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Beware of “Swarmers”!

When you think of the swarmers, what comes to your mind? For those in the pest control industry, it represents thousands of bugs taking over your home. Yet, the term means more than an existing group of pests. It means that a colony of termites …

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