Getting a Termite Treatment? Here Some Items to Prepare for That.

Apr 23, 2015

If you have termites in your home, one of the best decisions you can make as a homeowner is to get the problem resolved quickly and by using professional service. It is not worth trying do-it-yourself methods, especially when you consider the damage that termites can cause in short time.

When getting professional termite treatment, you need to prepare your home beforehand.

Secure or Remove Certain Items

termite treatmentWhether you end up securing or removing at-risk items is up to if you have the time and space to take these items elsewhere while the termite treatment is performed. When this is not possible, you need to secure items such as fruits, vegetables, spices, cereal, pasta, pet food, butter, and other similar foods.

Use Nylon Polymer Bags

In order to store these items properly to ensure they are safe to use or consume after the treatment, you must use nylon polymer bags that protect against harmful fumigation. It is essential to understand that the contents must be double bagged as this is the only way to ensure reliable protection.

Let Some Items Be

With a termite treatment around the corner and many items left in your home, you are likely concerned about concerned about what to do with the items that have not been put into bags or removed.

For the most part, items such as cosmetics, unopened tubes of toothpaste, unopened alcohol, and unopened canned goods are protected enough on their own to resist the fumigation.

Additionally, if your refrigerator has an ice maker, make sure to turn this off before the treatment.

Contact us with any questions you may have about a termite treatment for your home.

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