
Types of Termite Treatments for Your Hayward Home

In sports, it is often said that a good defense is a better offense. Homeowners take this idea to heart when they keep up with maintenance and fix things quickly before they deteriorate. Those who have battled different types of guests over the years realize …

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Start the New Year with a Termite-Free Home

Each new year, people make resolutions. For most, it encompasses their health, such as losing weight and exercising. Others are determined to make new friends, read more books, or get organized. For homeowners, another resolution that could help them enjoy their lives more is to …

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Handling Termites in the Winter…Yes, Winter

Many animals slow down during the winter months. Bears find dens to hibernate in. Some species of birds migrate to warmer areas of the world. Even humans limit their outdoor activities in colder parts of the country. Some in the animal kingdom click their mandibles …

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A Recipe for a Termite-Free Home

November is a beautiful month as it transitions us from the fun of fall into the festive holidays of Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa. It is a holiday for being thankful for all you have. Most often, it is celebrated with family and friends sharing a …

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