The Type of Termite Repair You Choose is Important to the Structure

Oct 09, 2015

Termite Repair

termite repairWhen termites aren’t caught in time, the damage they do is extensive. This is true in older and new buildings and structures alike. Simply knowing what to look for can save your property from thousands of dollars of termite repair.

But for those people who might have bought a property with extensive termite damage, just know that termite repair isn’t impossible. In fact, as long as the damage is localized, or hasn’t been ongoing for 20+ years, repairing termite damage will return the property back to its former glory.

When wood is damaged by termites, two methods are employed to fix the problem.

– The bad wood is removed and replaced with good wood.

– New wood can be attached to bad wood to prevent future damage.

Either of these methods works for structural or even non-structural repair. Which method you choose depends on budget, level of damage, and type of structure.

It is best practice, however, that wood be replaced completely in situations where support isn’t adequate. Particularly when homes are involved. It’s best to replace any and all damaged wood in a home instead of simply repairing it.

When termite damage is considerable, it is dangerous. Termite damage can cause roofs and floors to collapse, and can turn joists, wall studs, and any other support beams into Swiss cheese.

It’s important to talk to a specialist about which type of repair works best in your situation. The last thing you want to do is make a problem worse when a simple repair would make it better.

Last, never just repair a structure without removing the termites beforehand. Any repairs that you do, if termites are still present, will all be for naught.

For more information on how we can help you with your termite problems, please contact us any time.

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